Historical French Symphonic organ
48 kHz, 24-bit, stereo, original acoustics, multiple releases
3410 MB RAM (with default loss less memory compression)
3+P/48 (keyboards / stops)
Licence: Commercial
Released in: 11-2007
This is probably (see Hauptwerk survey) the best-selling sampleset.
This is not surprising: In part that is a very good marketing, beautiful screen layouts and American chauvinism,
but the main reason is that this organ still just sounds good.
The strength of this sampleset is found in the warm acoustics and in the 'power' (very powerful majestic 'tutti sound').
The recordings were made at some distance from the organ, this creates a very nice overall sound and the acoustics are also pretty captured.
A drawback is that details of the individual stops, for a part, are lost.
Therefore the soft registers (e.g. CorDeNuit8, UndaMaris8 and the soft 8 feet Flutes) are not so clear.
In my opinion, this sampleset sounds better with 'big registrations' than with 'intimate music' with few stops.
This sampleset sounds like a CD recording, you imagine yourself in the cathedral.
Because of the beautiful acoustics and the 'recording on distance' the sampleset is less suitable for study, flaws remain hidden quickly.
For simple amateurs, this is also a great advantage...
For each sampleset, I have a stop that I always want to use.
With this organ, it is the Trompette8 of the G.O..
Listen in the examples below to the composition of Nico de Mes, I use the powerfull and 'beautiful around' Trompette8 in three ways:
In the Preludium as supplement to the 'plenum'.
In the Allegretto in combination with the Clairon4 as 'solo stop'.
In the Andante as 'solo stop'.
The Vox Humana is separately recorded with Tremulant, the results are great (listen to middle C, which is beautifully realistic 'false').
This sampleset has an abundance of beautiful reeds.
I know, I'm being a whiner, but I regret that the organ has no rasping Cromorne.
I think the Principals not as strong (as in many other French organs).
The Montre8 has however a very nice 'stereo balance': you can notice the notes (with a scale) from left to right.
I prefer the FluteTravers of the Recit over the FluteHarmonique of the G.O..
In the pedal you hear that the Contrebasse16 (just like in real life) 'comes slow to tone' (you can easily hear the effect at low C).
It's also nice just to listen to the reverberation of the Contrebombarde32, if you release the lower C button, it still remains seconds 'rattle away'.
By default, the sampleset comes with an extension of 10 stops (not present on the real organ, but derived from other stops).
This sampleset is very realistic:
The (typical for French organs) foot pistons (with combination couplers) function as the real organ.
The original tuning is 'A=435 Equal', with Hauptwerk you can use the more standard 'A=440'.
I use, because of realism, all samplesets in 'Original Organ tuning'.
There are sound samples for pressing and releasing a key.
The organ wind engine sounds in the background.
You hear the sound of pushing and pulling stop buttons.
The sound of the swell pedal is included.
Even the Sonnette du souffleur (the button is only on the console tab) is present.
The 4 tabs (console, full view, left, right) look very nice.
The names of the stops are clear to read.
The extension of 10 additional registers is only available on the full view tab.
This is an unfortunate choice, virtually nobody will therefore use the Left/Right pages.
Very useful are the 20 buttons (on full view) to store registrations.
It is a pity that they are not standard pre-defined.
The buttons are for a touch screen a bit small.
In the beginning, this magnificent organ is not easy to use, but do not give up too soon.
It opens the only sound from the organ as you've pressed the right pistons.
Fortunately there is a nice user guide which explains the function of the foot pistons.
If you press button 4, 5, 6, 7 and 13 (+ button Combinations du Pos), you can use all registers.
In menu 'Organ / Organ information' is information in 4 (!) languages.
Just a pity that so few pictures on it.
You can load the Extended version in 3.2 GB (16 bit, 48kHz, Single Loops, Lossless Compression), so 4GB RAM is sufficient.
It is a great sampleset to create warm and powerful music. I will continue to use this sampleset.
Gert, 2009
Combination files with example registrations (with thanks to Christian Boogaard):
Copy the files to c:\Hauptwerk\HauptwerkUserData\OrganCombinations\OrganID000139\
You can load the in Hauptwerk via menu 'Combinations\Load combinations file...'.